Start your career back-end developer in Germany in 9 months

Master one of the most popular programming languages and earn from 3,700 € per month after training
Find out if a profession is right for you at a free career guidance session
A career counsellor will look at your experience, talents and calculate the likelihood of success in your profession
For beginners
Employment support
Module on neural networks

International education is now available to everyone

to start a new career, instead of six years at university.
9 months
specialists in the profession work remotely on a free schedule
average salary of a programme graduate at the start of the programme
average time to find a job with career centre support
49 days
Work for an international company from anywhere in the world
Most jobs are remote

A profession that is really in demand in Germany

The language is used by 45 per cent of developers and runs on over 3 billion devices, including projects from Google, Amazon and Netflix
JavaScript is among the top most popular programming languages
on Glassdoor and LinkedIn
>42,000 open vacancies in Europe
You can easily reach the middle level in 1-2 years of real development
Income will grow with experience
€45,000 per year
€60,100 per year
€74,900+ per annum
Find out if a profession is right for you at a free career guidance session
An experienced career advisor will analyse your experience, talents and tell you what to do next
It's free

We can help you get full tuition from the state

If you meet the criteria:
You live in Germany
Not currently employed
Registered or planning to register with the Jobcenter or Agentur für Arbeit
You have secondary specialised or higher completed education
Take a little quiz to assess your chances
Your German level B1-B2
Free of charge support at all stages
We were one of the first to start teaching in-demand professions in IT and digital in Germany
Online institute for emigrants in Germany
We are part of the DigitalSchool ecosystem, which also includes the DigitalSchool VC venture fund (top 25 active funds in NYC) and the DigitalSchool accelerator
Offices in Berlin and New York

About us

All graduates receive German state certificates
Programmes are accredited by AZAV
The Career Centre will help you set up your LinkedIn profile, match you with internships and prepare you for all stages of employment
We teach you in your mother tongue and employ you in Europe

How the training is organised

You always interact live with the instructors and can ask questions at any time. And if you miss something, you can watch the material in a recording on the platform
Live lectures
We have taken the best of the academic format and enhanced it with modern technology: a learning platform, Discord communities and an internal rewards system
Own learning platform
We have dozens of partners in our database who are eager to hire graduates and invite them to internships
Experts will accompany you every step of the way: CV checks, practice interviews and masterclasses
The career centre is always close by

The training fulfils German quality standards

We have passed quality control of AZAV training, so all graduates receive state certificates upon completion of training
The programmes are licensed by CERTURIA
Explore training programmes on the official Arbeitsagentur website

Course content

946 hours
ПAfter training you will be able to apply for Junior Java Developer or Backend Developer positions. The acquired knowledge will allow you to apply for a job in large IT-companies, where experience in working with Java and Spring, as well as deep understanding of algorithms and data structures are valued. with Java and Spring, as well as a deep understanding of algorithms and data structures.
final project

Projects in your future portfolio

These are the tasks you will be working on during the course of your studies
Set up the back-end, work with the database, implement the authorisation system.
REST API for web application
A simple banking app with the ability to manage accounts, transfer money between accounts and manage related transactions.
Application for the bank
Create the possibility of registration and authorization, the ability to manage the catalogue for administrators, set up filtering and sorting of products, the work of the cart and orders.
Online shop of goods for home and garden

Confirm your knowledge and skills on Google

After completing the back-end development programme, you will be able to pass the test and receive a certificate from Oracle Certified Associate, to strengthen your CV.

Methods of payment

No overpayments, can be arranged for 7 or 9 months
Domestic instalments from DigitalSchool
By card or account
One-off payment with discount
The state will cover 100% of the cost of tuition if you meet the criteria
Voucher от Job centre или Employment agency
Can be arranged for 3,6,12 or 24 months
PayPal instalments
student manager
"Students come to the course not so much to learn how to code, but to find a job and change their lives. And it is the career centre that makes this possible"
Career coaching: recruiters will prepare you for upcoming interviews, motivate you and talk about pitfalls
Masterclasses: we will tell you how to fit into an international company and pump up soft skills

We guarantee employment support along the way

Practice interviews: find mistakes and help correct them
Job matching: we have partner companies in which we employ the best students

If it worked for them, it will work for you.

Real stories of our alumni
Before the course: engineer-estimator
After: java developer
Dorothy Young
Got a job a month before finishing the course and increased my income by 30%.
Before course: hockey player
After: back-end developer at Isento
Charles Jensen
Had 4 interviews and got 2 offfers, now working for a company in Nuremberg that helped him with his relocation.
Before the course: project manager in medical tourism
After: junior front-end web developer
Wayne Smith
Successfully got a job a couple of months after the training. Now he works as a front-end developer and finally enjoys his work and gets a decent salary.
Before the course: sales manager
After: QA engineer at PPI AG
Alma Benson
She works in the automation testing department, earns several thousand euros a month and is very happy with her new profession.
Before the course: work at the university in the Department of Computer Science
After: full-stack developer
Allen Hill
At the time of signing the official contract, it had been 4 months since the end of the course. Previously worked in the same company on a part-time basis and performed very well.
Before course: airport employee
After: java-developer and QA-engineer
Lena Garcia
After my studies I looked for a job in my city. I got an internship at one of the companies and after the internship I got a job with them.

Your future CV for your job search in Europe

It is completely relevant to job openings for aspiring back-end developers
Back-end developer
Axel Schulz
Final project in the portfolio
Desired salary:
Certificate of requalification:
  • Developing and maintaining server-side applications in Java
  • Applying the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Working with databases: SQL and NoSQL (MongoDB)
  • Restful APIs implementation using Spring Boot
  • Setup and configuration of Spring Framework, Spring Boot
  • Realisation and data processing using Hibernate and JPA
  • Code version control using Git
  • Application performance optimisation and thread management
  • Use Docker to containerise applications
  • Administration and management of Linux systems
Key Skills:
I use it in my work:
Spring Boot
A career advisor will help you decide on a direction and explain how the programme is structured
Get a detailed course programme at the free career guidance session

Cost of training

Suitable for those who are ready to combine study and work.
19:00-22:00 (3 days a week (CET))
Additional subjects and counselling
13:00-14:30 (Sat (CET))
In case of a lump sum payment
*Benefit for 10 students in each stream.
per month
Domestic instalments
*Benefit for 10 students in each stream.
Can be broken down into 8 instalments
Suitable for those who are unemployed and ready for intensive training.
9:30-12:30 с пн по пт (CET)
Additional subjects and counselling
13:00-14:30 Mon-Fri (CET)
Day form
Evening uniform
In case of a lump sum payment
*Benefit for 10 students in each stream.
per month
Domestic instalments
*Benefit for 10 students in each stream.
Can be broken down into 9 instalments

Frequently Asked Questions

International Online Institute for IT Professionals
CRN: 76945400
ROOM 511, 5/F, MING SANG IND BLDG, 19-21 HING YIP STREET, Kwun Tong Hong Kong
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